Employee Surveys

360º Assessments

Combination of customizable and off-the-shelf assessments that provide a 360-degree view of the individual. Ideal for a holistic evaluation of existing employees from multiple perspectives: Managers, peers, subordinates, and customers.

360º Assessments

Emotional Intelligence 360º

EIQ-2 assessments help users understand the correlation between the way they apply their emotional intelligence and the outcome of their interactions with others.

Often the way we perceive ourselves and the way others perceive us can be two very different things. Even experienced business leaders will persist in communication and organizational practices with a belief that everyone recognizes their “obvious” intentions, while overlooking costly misinterpretations from different behavioral styles, communication preferences and emotional expression.

The EIQ-2 360º allows individuals to enhance the traditional EIQ-2 self-assessment. Using the same questionnaire process, observers are asked to provide their perspective of your Emotional Intelligence to help you compare and contrast what you think you are doing and what they experience. The feedback is intended as a way to open conversations, highlighting areas of your personal interactions that may be an opportunity to build greater effectiveness.

Use Cases
  • Talent development
  • Leadership development
Target Audience
  • Suitable for all job profiles and levels
  • English

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Emotional Intelligence 360º Report

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