Employee Surveys

Employee Experience Design


A 2019 survey reported that 80% of business and HR leaders believe that employee experience is an important trend. This shift is becoming so prevalent that we’re even seeing the emergence of entire roles and departments dedicated to employee experience.

Employee experience touchpoints start from pre-hire and extend all the way to exit/retirement. In this course, we guide you through the components of employee experience and focus on how to create an optimal employee journey for your company. Training is delivered using an interactive and hands-on approach with real business cases.

COURSE Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify all the elements that impact the employee experience
  • Design an employee experience strategy and implementation plan
  • Conduct internal and external research to baseline and benchmark the current employee journey
  • Design an employee journey that impacts all touchpoints
  • Monitor employee experience initiatives with relevant performance metrics
COURSE Outline
  • Defining employee experience
  • The business case for employee experience
  • The employee experience mindset
  • Building the employee experience design team
  • Defining the employee experience strategy
  • Research techniques for baselining the current employee journey
  • Designing a consistent employee journey at every touchpoint
  • Design thinking tools and techniques for employee journey design
  • Getting buy-in from executives and employees
  • Prioritizing employee experience initiatives
  • Developing a realistic implementation plan
  • Defining relevant KPIs to measure the impact of employee experience initiatives
Target Audience
  • This course is designed for HR managers and consultants who are interested in designing the optimal employee experiences for their companies.
Training Delivery Options
  • In-house training
  • Live online training
  • E-learning course
  • Blended (a combination of live training and e-learning)

Interested in this program?

  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.

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