Employee Surveys

Personality and Behavior

Internationally-validated psychometric assessments that provide personality and behavioral profiling. Ideal for recruiting the right talent and for determining the competency development needs of your employees.

Personality and Behavior

Insights GPS

Insights GPS integrates our scientifically validated DISC, Motivators, and Critical Thinking assessments for a “Global Perspective” of every candidate’s Behavioral Style, Motivational Style, and Thinking Style. Hire the right person for the right job the first time! This is how it works:

  • Initial Phone Consultation: We schedule a call to identify your specific needs. We’ll review background information to fully understand your process and how we can help you achieve your hiring goals.
  • Identify the Ideal Candidate & Create Benchmarks: We collaborate with you to identify the ideal candidate for your needs. Using that data, we build benchmarks enabling us to create the optimal candidate profile.
  • Send Assessment Invitation & Review Results: Utilizing our validated Assessment technology, we use three of our core assessments (DISC, Motivators, and Critical Thinking) to create a comprehensive overview of the potential candidate, and then work with your team to review the results to identify strengths and challenges. We’ll guide you through the results and discuss recommendations.
  • Candidate Interviews & Selection: We collaborate with you to provide personalized interview questions and structure for the hiring process. We provide structure to help select the candidate you need.

Insights GPS requires certification in DISC, Motivators, and HVP for use without the supervision of Omcore Consulting’s certified assessors.

Use Cases
  • Recruitment and selection
Target Audience
  • Suitable for all job profiles and levels
  • English
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